Vladimir Sadkov(弗拉基米尔•萨德科夫)是一位来自战斗名族的街头健身高手,你很难相信他一人独揽了多项街头健身赛事的冠军,在YOUTOBE上更是粉丝簇拥。
Vladimir Sadkov(弗拉基米尔•萨德科夫)的强项,毋庸置疑就是俄式挺身。他的一些动作甚至奥运级别的体操运动员也不一定能做,比如托马斯接水平支撑再接托马斯。如果按照自由操中托马斯接倒立再接托马斯的D级评级来看,这个难度肯定是有E级了,不过完成分是要扣一些的。
细数Vladimir Sadkov(弗拉基米尔•萨德科夫)获得的荣誉:
✔29.11.2013 FINAL of STREET WORKOUT WORLD CUP 2013 (the 1st place)
✔19.11.2013 STREET WORKOUT WORLD CUP 2013 (Zagreb stage) (the 1st place)
✔22.09.2013 Open street workout championship in Moscow region 2013 (the 1st place) ✔04.08.2013 qualifying stage (the 1st place)
✔07.09.2013 Open street workout championship for Moscow mayor’s cup 2013 (the 1st place)
✔24.08.2013 The first cup of cities «Street workout-2013» (the 1st place with my ex-team)
✔28.07.2013 International street workout championship (the 1st place)
✔18.05.2013 The second street workout festival “Restart” (the 2nd place)
✔01.05.2013 street workout festival dedicated to the fifth anniversary of street workout in Moscow (the 1st place)
✔01.05.2014 street workout festival dedicated to the sixth anniversary of street workout in Moscow (the 1st place)
也许看这些枯燥的文字根本显示不出Vladimir Sadkov(弗拉基米尔•萨德科夫)的实力,直接看夺冠视频吧!